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Charmaine Healy

Before training with Nikki I visited the gym a couple of times a week just to do my own thing, I didn’t have a focus or a goal to work towards. I didn’t attend classes or talk to anyone.


At first I thought it would be hard for a trainer to train me because I am an amputee and I didn’t have a prosthetic, but Nikki always knew how to adapt exercises so I could use the correct muscles and always thought of a variation I could do. If she didn’t know at the time she would go away and research how we could do it. I really appreciate this


When I first started I suffered really badly with anxiety and mental health and really struggled opening up to people. I was overweight and not very healthy at all. Nikki made me feel comfortable straight away and has helped me overcome these things. I have lost about 15kg in weight which I couldn’t do on my own. She has always been patient and understanding with me and never given up on me. She has been more then just a personal trainer to me, she has listened, encouraged and helped me along the way. I truly appreciate this, she has become sort of like a life coach to me. She has helped me overcome my anxiety and poor mental health. I have become fitter, healthier and happier with her support. 


Nikki is the utmost professional who teaches us correct technique to achieve our goals. Even during this pandemic she has never given up on us. She goes out of her way to make sure we are doing ok by calling us weekly and doing check ins with us.


She does so much more then just a personal trainer, she takes her time to provide us with comprehensive training plans that are both fun and technical. She helps us with our nutrition, and other areas we want help with. She is patient and understanding. She attends courses and does research to improve her knowledge. Even though she has had a really tough time with her own health she never complains. I look up to her and wish I could be as good a person as she is. 


She has helped me achieve way more then if I was training on my own. Her classes are so much fun and even though we are training remotely I feel I am getting stronger and getting closer to my goals.

Kayleigh Metcalf

Before I started training with Nikki I was so unfit, no upper body strength, very little muscle tone, overweight and 6 months post partum. Id decided I needed a complete heath overhaul when I found Nikki. I suffer with anxiety so was extremely nervous but she put me at ease straight away and I felt comfortable relatively quickly. She's very professional, friendly, keeps me on task and keeps it fun. Not only is she my trainer but become a lovely friend and I'm so so glad I found her..... I now have some muscle tone, I'm much stronger than I ever have been and im hitting fitness goals I never thought I would.

I have had a very unhealthy relationship with food for most of my life and she has helped to guide and educate me (with trial and error) to get to a place where I am finally dropping weight healthily and happily.

Ive still got a way to go with my fitness and weight journey but I have no doubt in my mind I'm going to get there with Nikki by my side.

Louis Holas

Nikki is an incredibly patient, knowledgable and conscientious PT. When we first met, I had experience working in the gym but lacked confidence in my technique. I had ambitions to lose weight and tone my body, but I did not know the best way to proceed. In the year that we have
worked together I have progressed significantly towards my goals and I now feel much more confident training in the gym on my own.

Nikki has created detailed plans for me to use during our PT sessions and when training on my own. These plans are tailored to my overall goals but also include specific aims that I have, like improving my press-ups and completing bodyweight pull-ups. These plans are tailored to the goals that I have and are reviewed regularly to ensure that I continue to progress. Nikki always takes time to ensure that the plans are working correctly and are enjoyable for me to follow, and she is always happy to rework them if there are any issues.

During our sessions, Nikki pushes me to make sure that I exert every ounce of energy that I have. Her encouragement enables me to complete reps even when I thought I couldn’t do them. She gives me detailed instructions to make sure that my form is as good as it can be, and I carry that motivation with me into my individual training sessions. 

My technique has improved significantly since working with Nikki and, as a result, I am able to get the most out of my time in the gym.

Throughout the pandemic Nikki has continued to help all of her clients stay fit and motivated. Whether it be through client group chats, new home-specific workout programs and zoom sessions or training in her converted garage, Nikki has done everything in her power to ensure that the lockdowns have not presented us from reaching our targets. This support has been integral in keeping me motivated and fit during the uncertainty of the past year, and Nikki has gone above and beyond to ensure that attention is given to each individual client.

Working with Nikki is an absolute pleasure and has helped to bring enjoyment to my training. I have lost over a stone and a half and I’m close to reaching my target weight. My confidence has greatly improved, and I feel much more knowledgeable about nutrition and exercising. I feel that my training now has structure, which allows me to stay motivated and keep improving in the short-term, as well as the opportunity to develop further in the future. Not only that, Nikki has become a great friend.

She has made training enjoyable and educational, and I have no hesitation recommending Nikki to anyone who wishes to improve their fitness regime.

Ellie Batten

I started training with Nikki one year ago and have trained with her once a week, in the gym and remotely during the periods of lockdown. It is has been one of the best decisions I have made in regards to my health and fitness.


I was born with hip dysplasia and had a metal plate put into my leg at the age of 11 months. As a result, I have always found movement in this hip tricky and have the early signs of arthritis. I explained this all to Nikki during our first session, including my embarrassment that I struggled to squat properly due to this. Nikki has always been empathetic and supportive from day 1, from researching the best exercises to do to support my movement after our first session and creating a stretch program for me. At times where I felt embarrassed during sessions if I couldn’t quite do a movement or complete an exercise, Nikki always encouraged me through with her words of wisdom and support.


As a result of Nikki’s fantastic coaching and support, I am now able to complete exercises such as squats and deadlifts confidently, working towards adding more KG weight to my exercises each session. I have noticed not only more strength and comfort in my hip, but that my mind-set has also changed too. I am no longer scared that I am going to injure myself, as Nikki and I have established the correct form for each of the exercises on my programs. Nikki has created 3 programs for me meaning I am able to follow my plan and routine every gym session, even if I am not training with her that day. These programs have been fantastic at supporting my goals and keeping me focused and on track during my workouts. 


Nikki’s support doesn’t just end after our training sessions. I speak to Nikki everyday, whether it be to share an exercise goal, my food diary for the day or the new gymwear I’m obsessed with. We often discuss macros, food goals that meet my lifestyle and recipe ideas. Without sounding too cliche, it’s been amazing to build such a great relationship with Nikki and I now count her as a friend as well as my trainer. The community Nikki has built through our NJFP network is invaluable too, such as sharing mini-win’s and what-I-eat-in-a-day posts. It’s so great to feel supported and I have made friends and training partners as a result of Nikki’s online platforms.


Considering the turbulent year that has happened whilst I have been training with Nikki, such as 3 periods of gym closure, I am so pleased with the progress Nikki has still helped me to make. I have lost almost 3kg in 6 weeks since sharing my food diaries daily with Nikki, making me halfway towards my current goal. The strength and confidence I have with my hip now hasn’t just improved my form in the gym, but how I move daily too. I would recommend Nikki and her amazing sessions to absolutely anyone looking to work towards a health and fitness goal.

Ryan Beaver

During the first lockdown I’d put on a lot of weight and was a lot unhealthier than previously, with a lack of motivation to train or eat properly. 

However since training with Nikki from September last year, I managed to reverse the damage I’d done and get stronger, leaner and overall a lot more positive about living a healthy lifestyle. 


The most important thing about living healthily is to hold yourself accountable for your efforts and Nikki helped me to build self-discipline with not only diet but training consistency, achieving maximum results.

Andy Kettle

In previous years I have struggled with back problems and arthritis in my hips, and unfortunately a few months ago I was diagnosed with a herniated (slipped) disc and tear in the lower back. I used to be a yo-yo gym goer… working my ass off chasing the pounds that I regularly put on and then lost again. I had seen some of Nikki’s clients testimonials and was envious of their health, fitness and wellbeing transformations.

I have been training with Nikki once a week following a comprehensive plan specific to my needs and goals. Each session is always focused on being a better version of myself, and some days when I’m not feeling up to it, I always feel so much better after our session. Signing up to the once a week plan kept me accountable coming to the gym, but more importantly it was consistency, keeping up my fitness, and improving my strength in my core areas to assist in my recovery from my back injury.


My back is now pain free and much stronger than it has been in the last couple of years and even pulling PB’s out of the bag weekly!! I’ve also previously used my arthritis as an excuse to limit my gym usage, but after being motivated by Nikki and adapting my plan to suit, I now have much better flexibility around my hips, and again I have been pain free over the last few months, and for all of this I am very grateful.

Nikki is very supportive and understanding when in the gym, but is also just as supportive outside too. With WhatsApp messaging and other forums where we can share nutrition information, these functions give you the whole package. Now I have my physical condition in a much better place, I will now be placing more attention on my nutrition to improve my progress further.


Nikki is great with sharing recipes and food alternatives, especially for weekend fakeaways!!
It’s now time for my annual holiday and feel confident that I will be able to be a fun dad with my 3 children, doing things that I have otherwise been restricted by with my ailments. This to me is everything. Thank you Nikki, you’ve literally been my life saver.

Daniel Oldland

Before starting with Nikki, I didn't have a clue what to do, not only in the gym but exercise in general. Now I know how to use the machines and free weights in the gym confidently enough to train myself outside of my sessions.

I have lost over a stone and half since training with Nikki. Not only have I lost weight but I am much healthier, stronger in doing everyday activities and the work we have done has also improved my performance and concentration at work.

I highly recommend Nikki to anyone wanting to make an improvement to not only their fitness, but also their lifestyle and mental wellbeing.

Jaymi-Leigh Pulumbarit

It’s been a pleasure having Nikki as a PT. She’s helped me to become more confident in the gym and inspired me to get back into fitness again. I found each session challenging but supportive and I loved training 1:1 in the private studio. She has great knowledge and often adapted exercises to suit my ability and gave constructive corrections on form and technique. Thanks Nikki for being amazing!

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